By using our site and/or our service, you agree to the following outlined terms conditions and disclaimer hereunder Terms of Use & Disclaimer
Cause for Paws is a professional qualified dog training and puppy training service. We endeavor to deliver a safe as we can service to your pet while under our care.
Our business is covered with a full public liability insurance. However, as pet accidents can happen while playing outdoors, the customer acknowledges that they will be responsible for and pay for all medical cost and other associated charges connected to their pets injuries.
If such an incident takes place, we will call the customer and notify them of the incident.
To not delay any vital treatment if necessary, we will make immediate arrangements to get the pet to a veterinarian hospital unless otherwise specified by the customer.
The customer will be required to notify us of any medical conditions and/or any treatment they require. This way we can adequately monitor your dog to ensure their safety.